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It was the columnist Frank Scully who first alerted the world to sensational stories of recovered flying saucers and little men in his best-selling book Behind the Flying Saucers published in 1950.

Scully claimed that up to that time there had been four such recoveries, one of which was alleged to have taken place around Aztec, New Mexico, when sixteen humanoid bodies were recovered together with their undamaged craft.

FLYING SAUCER AT AZTEC, NM – The U.S. Air Force called in Dr. Gee and seven of his group of magnetic scientists to examine a strange vehicle that had made an emergency landing east of Aztec, New Mexico. 

Since that landing in 1949, there have been many descriptions of similar craft, circular, seamless exterior, 100 feet in diameter, aluminum in color but exceptionally durable.


LITTLE MEN IN THE FLYING SAUCER – Descriptions of flying saucer occupants are much rarer, so we will focus on Dr. Gee’s observations as recorded in Scully’s book.

After cautiously examining the craft, Dr. Gee peered into its interior through a hole in a porthole.

“There we were able to count sixteen bodies that ranged in height from about 36 to 42 inches,” Dr. Gee said.

“We took the little bodies out, and laid them on the ground, we examined the bodies very closely and very carefully.”


“They were normal from every standpoint and had no appearance of being what we call on this planet ‘midgets, they were small in stature but well proportioned.”

“The only trouble was that their skin seemed to be charred a very dark chocolate color.”

“About the only thing that we could decide at the time was that the charring had occurred somewhere in space and that their bodies had been burned as a result of air rushing through the broken porthole window.”

Scully explained “There were two ‘bucket seats,’ as the doctor called them, in front of the instrument board, and two of the little fellows were sitting there.”

“They had fallen over, face down, on the instrument board, and so far as they could determine, the ship carried no instruments of destruction, and the crew did not carry firearms of any sort.”


WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BODIES? – When Dr. Gee was asked what was done with the bodies, Scully reported that “some of them had been dissected and studied by the medical division of the Air Force, and that from the meager reports he had received, they had found that these little fellows were in all respects perfectly normal human beings, except for their teeth.”

“There wasn’t a cavity or a filling in any mouth. Their teeth were perfect, from the characteristics and physiology of their bodies they must have been about 35 to 40 years of age, judged by our standards of age.”

CLOTHING OF LITTLE MEN – “As to clothes, he (Dr. Gee) said they all wore the same type of uniform, a dark blue garment, with metal buttons.”

He said it was significant that there was not any insignia of any kind on the collars or on the sleeves or on the caps of these people.  So, to all intents and purposes, all of them had the same rank.

WHAT DID THE LITTLE MEN EAT? Dr. Gee said that there appeared to be food on the ship, little wafers.

They fed them to guinea pigs, and they seemed to thrive on them. This was the only evidence of food on the ship.

He added that there were two containers of water on the ship, and on checking it, they found it to be normal in all respects, except it was about twice as heavy.

SLEEPING QUARTERS – Dr. Gee told Scully that Pushed back into the wall, was what turned out to be a collapsible or accordion type screen, and as it was pulled out, it moved around in a half circle, so by the time it reached the wall of the circular cabin, little hammocks had dropped down from this screen, and these were the sleeping quarters for the little men.

“He also said, that there were toilet facilities, inside the sleeping quarters.”


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